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Do the same negative patterns keep occurring for you in your life?

Jenny Johnston, EFT Universe Trainer

Founder of Quantum EFT for the Soul

EFT Training

EFT is a universal healing technique based on new discoveries regarding the body/mind energy system

Hi, I'm Jenny Johnston

Jenny endeavours to inspire, touch and move people so that they can become whatever they desire and see the possibilities that are available to them when they remove what holds them back.

Workshop Schedule

Quantum EFT & EFT Workshops & Training Dates

What is Quantum EFT?

Quantum EFT is a natural, flowing process from EFT into the ‘quantumness’ of time space and place…

Transform Your Life

Are you a healer and want to make a difference in the world? Let me show you how to discover what is keeping you safe and small…

Personal Sessions

Contact Jenny to find out more about private Quantum EFT sessions

You Tube - EFT Australia

Subscribe to EFTAustralia You Tube Channel to receive access to over 400 EFT and Quantum EFT videos from private sessions and workshop sessions.

Playlists of videos include: EFT for physical issues; EFT for Cravings; EFT for phobias; EFT for Grief and Loss; EFT using the Gentle Techniques; EFT Movie/Tell the Story Technique; Quantum EFT etc.

Science behind EFT / Tapping

What sort of research is out there about EFT/Tapping? Lots actually. There have even been meta-analysis studies of all the research studies done. You can read more about the research behind EFT from many sites. Here is one of those.

Clinical EFT Certifications

Whether you’re a life coach wanting to add to your qualifications, a therapist wishing to integrate EFT into your existing practice, a psychologist seeking effective tools to address PTSD, a teacher looking for innovative classroom skills, or an administrator seeking ways to relieve stress in your team members, you will find the EFT Certification process a rewarding, simulating, and supportive experience.

Jenny's Books

In 2014, Jenny published her book, Tapping into Past Lives which became an Amazon Best Seller the next day! In this book, she explains her story, how she came about creating Quantum EFT and gives many of her clients and students versions of their experiences in her workshops and in private sessions. Jenny also provides links to many of the videos of these sessions in the book. 

In 2017, Your Past Life Inheritance was published. In this book, Jenny shows through many of her client’s past life experiences and Quantum EFT sessions, how we can release soul patterns and issues that are affecting us now. You will read transcripts of sessions and feel like you are right there with them as they discover higher learning and more about who they really are.

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